The Laboratory of Coastal & Marine Research, in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the University of Crete, delivers the below courses, as an offer from the Laboratory to the Department:
”show_more” COURSE CONTENT Coastal Engineering [Ref.1, 1.1-1.2] INTRODUCTION TO WAVE MECHANlCS [Ref. 2, 1.1-1.2] HYDRODYNAMICS AND VECTOR ANALYSIS [Ref. 2, 2.1-2.4] Two-Dimensional Wave Equations and Wave Characteristics [Ref.1, 2.1-2.9] Finite-Amplitude Waves [Ref.1, 3.1-3.6] Wave Refraction, Diffraction, and Reflection [Ref.1, 4.1-4.9] Coastal Water Level Fluctuations [Ref.1, 5.1-5.11] Wind-Generated Waves [Ref.1, 6.1-6.9] Coastal Structures [Ref.1, 7.1-7.9] Coastal Zone Processes [Ref.1, 8.1-8.10] At the end of the course, selected chapters will be delivered from [2]: and the subject: BIBLIOGRAPHY ”less”
Correspondence: ST12 modeling methods
The Coastal Environment
Coastal Engineering
Characteristics of Waves
Review of Hydrodynamics
Review of Vector Analysis
Cylindrical Coordinates
Surface Gravity Waves
Small-Amplitude Wave Theory
Wave Classification
Wave Kinematics and Pressure
Energy, Power, and Group Celerity
Radiation Stress and Wave Setup
Standing Waves, Wave Reflection
Wave Profile Asymmetry and Breaking
Wave Runup
Finite-Amplitude Wave Theory Formulation
Stokes Waves
Cnoidal Waves
Solitary Waves
Stream Function Numerical Waves
Wave Theory Application
Three-Dimensional Wave Transformation
Wave Refraction 80
Manual Construction of Refraction Diagrams
Numerical Refraction Analysis
Refraction by Currents
Wave Diffraction
Combined Refraction and Diffraction
Wave Reflection
Vessel-Generated Waves
Long Wave Equations
Astronomical Tide Generation and Characteristics
Tide Datums and Tide Prediction
Basin Oscillations
Resonant Motion in Two- and Three-Dimensional Basins
Resonance Analysis for Complex Basins
Storm Surge and Design Storms
Numerical Analysis of Storm Surge
Simplified Analysis of Storm Surge
Long-Term Sea Level Change
Waves at Sea
Wind-Wave Generation and Decay
Wave Record Analysis for Height and Period
Wave Spectral Characteristics
Wave Spectral Models
Wave Prediction—Early Methods
Wave Prediction—Spectral Models
Numerical Wave Prediction Models
Extreme Wave Analysis
Hydrodynamic Forces in Unsteady Flow
Piles, Pipelines, and Cables
Large Submerged Structures
Floating Breakwaters
Rubble Mound Structures
Rigid Vertical-Faced Structures
Other Loadings on Coastal Structures
Wave–Structure Interaction
Selection of Design Waves
Beach Sediment Properties and Analysis
Beach Profiles and Profile Change
Nearshore Circulation
Alongshore Sediment Transport Processes and Rates
Shore Response to Coastal Structures
Numerical Models of Shoreline Change
Beach Nourishment and Sediment Bypassing
Wind Transport and Dune Stabilization
Sediment Budget Concept and Analysis
Coastal Entrances
[2]R. G. Dean & R. A. Dalrymple, Water wave mechanics for engineers and scientists, Advanced series on Ocean Engineering, Vol .2, World Scientific, 1984
[3] Koutitas Chr, Introduction to Coastal and harbour projects, Ziti Pub., Thessaloniki, 1994.
[4] Teaching notes F. Karampas.
”show_more” Bibliography ”less”
1. Navier-Stokes equations
2. Arithmetic solution of Navier-Stokes equations
3. Graphic representation of fluids
4. Free boundary problems
5. Programming of methods and examples
6. Energy transportation
7. Turbine models
8. coastal mechanics modeling
M. Griebel, Th. Dornseifer, T. Neunhoeffer, Numerical Simulation in Fluid Dynamics, SIAM 1998 .
Coutitas Chr., Coastal engineering notes
J.C. Tannehill, D. A. Anderson, R. P. Pletcher, Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Taylor&Francis 1997 .
Contributions to the early careers of excellent researchers:
- Katerina Spanoudaki, PhD, Chemical Engineering & Numerical modelling: Hosted and periodically financially supported, since 2013, by the Coastal & Marine Research Lab; supervised by N. Kampanis for the postdoctoral grand “A simulation-optimization model for assessing the best practices for the protection of surface water and groundwater in the coastal zone, IKY Fellowships of Excellence for Postdoctoral Studies-SIEMENS Program,” during 2013-15; currently assigned as PI’s (N. A. Kampanis) assistant to H2020 ODYSSEA and EU ECHO DECATASPROPHISE projects; she received the IAMG Student Research Grant Awards in Computers & Geosciences 2013 (cf. IAMG Newsletter No. 87).
- George Alexandrakis, PhD, Geology & Coastal Oceanography: Hosted and periodically financially supported as PhD candidate, since 2007, by the Coastal & Marine Research Lab; submitted his PhD on 2011 (Geology Dept. National Kapodistrian University) with N. Kampanis as member of the advisory committee; supervised by N. Kampanis, as the postdoctoral fellow, for the project “CLIMATOURISM The influence of climatic change on the coastal environment in relation with tourist planning, Postdoctoral fellowships 2010, Ministry of Education” during 2012-14; supervised by N. Kampanis for the postdoctoral grand “Development of a technological application to optimize the design of coastal infrastructure and engineering protection solutions through a risk assessment of the effects of climate change, IKY Fellowships of Excellence for Postdoctoral Studies-SIEMENS Program” during 2015-16; currently assigned as PI’s (N. A. Kampanis) assistant to H2020 HERACLES project; his significant work on environmental risk assessment has been granted the publication “Alexandrakis, G. & Poulos, S.E. An holistic approach to beach erosion vulnerability assessment. Rep. 4, 6078; DOI:10.1038/srep06078 (2014)”.
- Maria Kazolea, PhD, HPC & numerical modeling: Periodically hosted and financially supported as MsC & PhD candidate by the Coastal & Marine Research Lab; submitted her MsC on 2006 (Dept. of Sciences, Technical University of Crete) with N. Kampanis as member of the advisory committee; participation of N. A. Kampanis in the project “Mathematical and numerical modeling of the generation, and propagation of waves off shore and near shore, PI Prof. C. Synolakis, Environmental Engineering Department, Technical University of Crete, HERAKLITOS ΙΙ program 2009, Ministry of Education-Lifelong learning & Religious affairs” as a member of the advisory committee of her PhD; submitted her PhD successfully on 2013 (Dept. Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete); she is currently permanent stuff at INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France, as Research Scientist.
- George Kozyrakis, PhD, HPC & numerical modeling: Hosted and periodically financially supported as PhD candidate, since 2006, by the Coastal & Marine Research Lab; successfully received his PhD (2015) with N. Kampanis as co-advisor; currently responsible for the server & data center of the lab and monitoring instruments deployed in the field; supporting for HPC and instrumentation H2020 HERACLES & ODYSSEA projects.